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Principle of Electro-homeopathy
The principle of electrohomoeopathy given by the Count Mattei is very true, simple and vast in its meaning.

"Life is in the Blood, Disease in its Vitiation AND Medicine in Similars".
In order, however, that the principle must be understood, certain truths must be learnt and remembered. A brief epitome of these will be serviceable to some.

It is well known that the human body is dependent for its continued life upon the soil and atomosphere. It is no mere poetic figure which represents man as dust of the ground vitalised by the air or breath which God has produced. But in order that the body may retain its vitality and undergone development, it is necessary that the elements which the earth supplies for his use should undergo of various forms of vegetation, which gather different substances from the soil and the atmosphere, transform the inorganic into the organic, and so prepare the former for becoming a food for sentient organisms. A further change is effected by means of those of the lower animals which enter into the dietary of our race. And after vegetable or animal food has been introduced into the mouth of man it has to pass through a wonderful series of transformations ere it has fulfilled its high function of sustaining the lord of creation.

The food which has been introduced into the mouth there undergoes a double process of preparation for future use. By mean of the teeth it is cut and ground down into smaller pieces, and is at the same time subjected to the influence of a colourless secretion which is poured into the mouth from the parotid, submaxillary and sublingual glands. This fluid not only separates the particles of food and prepares them for being acted upon by the other digestive fluids but also lubricates it, and so makes the act of swallowing easier than it otherwise would be. Its most important work, however, is to effect a chemical change in the starchy elements of food. These it alters into sugary substances.

After undergoing this preliminary digestive process the food is transferred to the stomach. It is retained in this elongated pouch for considerable time, and is here acted upon by a slightly viscid fluid, known as the gastric juice,which exerts a most potent influence over the nitrogenous articles of food. There it not only dissolves, but converts into substances called peptones. Aconsiderable part, however of the albuminates are not completely peptonised, but are simply transformed into what Meissner called parapeptones. The peptones are supposed to be once absorbed by the mucus memebrane. The remaining semi-fluid mass, including fatty matters which are not digested in the stomach, is passed into the small intestine, where it poured upon the food. The first of these is the bile. This acts apparently as a natural purgative by stimulating the action of the intestinal walls, and also promotes the absorption of fatty matters.

The second is the pancreatic juice, a strongly alkaline colourless fluid. Its action resembles that of the salvia, than which , however, it is much more powerful. Other juice take part intestinal digestion. One of these is poured out of a set of minute tubes found in the mucous membrane of the small intestine. It is known as intestinal juice. After being acted upon by this, a further portion of the food is taken up into the circulation by mean of some extremely minute projecting bodies, called villi, about 1/50th of an inch in length. These are provided with capillaries, through which a portion of the fluids in the intestines is absorbed directly into the blood. But a largerportion is taken up through lacteals which are found in the interior of these villi. The unabsorbed portion of the food, as it passes onwards, is subjected to the action of fluids secreted by Brunner's glands, peyer’s glands, and some solitary glands which are found in all parts of the intestine. The precise work done by each of these has not yet been ascertained. The insoluble residue is the food is expelled from the body.

The lacteals, by which, as we have just seen, some of the changed food, or chyle, is absorbed, form part of the lymphatic or absorbent system. The minute vessels containing the lymph are found in nearly every texture and organ of the body, and are arranged in a superficial and a deep set. The latter are larger than the former. The structure of the lymphatics resembles that of the veins and arteries. At certain places, such as the neck, the axilla, the groin, the abdomen, and the chest, there are small bodies known as lymphatic glands. Not only do the lymphatics, as we have seen, collect new materials far the formation of blood, but they also serve as channels through which effete matter is carried off from the tissues into the veins.

Because the chyle is of milky colour and gives to the vessels which absorb it a milky appearance, these are called lacteals or white vessels. The white lymph as it passes through the mesenteric glands becomes more highly organised. It is then carried forward until it reaches the spot where it is poured into the blood.

That part of the chyle which is preserved for the uses of the organisms consists of water, albumen, sugar, fat and mineral salts. Under the influence of the pancreatic and intestinal juices and the bile the sugar is changed into, fat. The nutritious extract may than be regarded as an aqueous solution of albumen, fatty bodies, sugar and mineral salts. Albumen is the chief ingredient in the white of an egg. It also exists in the sap of vegetables. Its chief constituent are carbon (which forms 54% of it), hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen with small proportions of phosphorous and sulphur.

The food has now been transformed into impure or Venous Blood. This is poured into the right auricle of the heart, which contracts and drives it through the tricuspid valveinto the right ventricle. This, in its turn, contracts and sends the venous blood forward into the pulmonary artery, from which it is distributed through the minute capillaries which are found in all parts of the air- cells contained in the lungs. Here the impure blood comes into the contact with the oxygen of the air which the man inspires, and as it combines with this and become oxidised it is rendered capable of becoming, as Mattei puts it. "The plasma of tissues and the manifestation of the organic life of a being."

By mean of a series of oxidation the various parts of the body are built up or repaired from the materials contained in the blood. Thus is formed the syntonin of which the muscle are made, and which is composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur (Building blocks of life). Thus too are made the sides of the blood-vessels, the connecting subcutaneous tissues, and the whole mass of matter which, on boiling, separates in the form of a jelly. The fat which gives the body its suppleness and elasticity is drawn from the blood current. So, too are the mineral elements which form the frame of the solid parts. "Nothing except the form is contained in the tissues which did not pre-exist in the blood."

The channels along which the nutritive fluid is borne to all parts of the system are at first comparatively large. But from these large channels there branch out other and smaller channels, from which, as from the branches of a tree, other stems are put forth. This process is continued until at the extremities of the channels we find an extremely delicate and complicated network, known as the capillary system. The average diameter of the capillaries in the muscular tissues is 0.003 of a line. In the brain their diameter is still less. Some of these little vessels are so small that only one blood corpuscle can pass through them at once.

The nutritive fluid is carried through these channels at a gradually decreasing rate under the influence of thee chemical attraction and affinity with its part certain of its elements to the neighbouring tissues. Tt is, according to Mattei, a general law of the organism that "the different elements which traverse it are separated from the fluid which carries them, "when they reach places where they are especially needed. The living molecules in the organic woof which is penetrated by the blood sort out, by a species of elective affinity, the materials which they need to replace effete or corrupt elements.

If, through some defect in the blood or lymph, an , element which no longer place a useful part in a tissue continue there, it deranges life and so cause disease.The same happens if it is expelled and no element replaces it. The restoration to the organism of its natural mode of action can only be effected by the expulsion of the effete element and the substitution of an element which is similar to what the effete element was in its normal condition.

Only a similar element can fill the place which is or must be vacated, and do the needed work. To introduce such an element , whether it be a chemical substance like carbon or oxygen, or a more refined entity such as electricity or ether, is to administer a medicine. And only that can be considered a true medicine which will thus re-establish the natural function. (This is only the reason and menaing of word "Homoeo" in Electrohomoeopathy and logic of "Medicine in Similar")

This is what Mattei means when he says, "Life is in the Blood, disease in its vitiation and Medicine in Similar". This is what he means when he implies that disease is also in the vitiation of the lymph, and that medicine in this case, too, is in similars.
Some more depth of meaning of "Medicine in Similar in Electrohomoeopathy"
A true medicine or a healing molecule can only be the one which is replica of the missing molecule from the composition of the entity of life.

Whether a single element or a group of elements or a compound can act as a true medicine (without giving any side effects and restoring the balance of the body) and cause complete health if it's a molecule similar to the molecule (in structure and function) of the living molecules. Its basic need is to replenish & restore the lost/depleted/imbalanced molecules of the composition, of living tissues.

No medicine whether derived from any source and by any process can be perfect until it fulfills the similarity to the need of the required diseased stratum. Here in also to note that the elements synthetically made are often rejected/mal-absorbed or behave in an unusual manner as they do not resemble accurately the entity of which they are going to be a part ie the molecules of life.

A damaged/diseased/malnourished or even dead tissue can be restored by similar naturally occurring molecule which do not hamper its natural structure rather make it more acceptable by needy entity.

Also in the natural and true medicine the required elements are accomplished by their complementary elements which help in their corrective metabolism and pave their path to the target entity.

These molecules will be often very small in size (10-6 microns) and ionic in nature, so that they can easily penetrates through the cell membrane and conveniently become a part of live molecule. Therefore, the basic philosophy of the Electrohomoeopathy says Life is in blood (blood and lymph are the transport channels of these essential and similar molecules). Disease in vitiation (imbalance of the essential and similar molecules) and Medicine in Similar (Replenishing the similar molecules)